Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Laura's New Haircut & Wedding Rumours

(Here is Laura talking about her new haircut...)

So most of you (who had a chance) didn't even notice. But I DID actually cut seven inches off of my hair. It was really fun. I haven't been to a hair salon in years, because my lovely and talented sister Sarah has been my hairdresser extraordinaire. However, Sarah has been temporarily replaced by Emma, my new friend at the Toni & Guy salon in Sheffield. I was a little uncertain about making my appointment, as Toni&Guy have levels of stylists, and I had no idea which level to choose. (i chose the cheapest one, in the end.) Thank goodness, as Emma was just about as much stylist as I could handle. The higher level ladies and gentlemen would have had no idea what to do with me. And vice versa. Emma had a kind of mod Marie-Antoinette thing going on, with a bouffant hair-do, very pink cheeks, big fake eyelashes and a fake mole. She was cool. I am still not quite cool, but here is what Emma and I came up with:

(this one is my favorite, as it obscures most of ME and just puts Emma's handiwork on display)

Oh well. Maybe if I keep this stylist thing going... I won't always look like a potato.

Okay, I'm signing on to talk briefly about wedding stuff. Obviously a lot of conversations are taking place at the moment on what may or may not happen wedding-wise, and I'm sure everyone is excited to hear about our plans. Well, here's all we can tell you right now.

One, we don't have any definite plans yet, and we won't have any definite plans (not even a definite time frame) until April at the earliest - that is, once we know where Laura intends to research her PhD. Once we know that we'll be in a better position to discuss where a ceremony and reception might take place (viz. which side of the Atlantic) and when (viz. a time when we are both living on the same side of said ocean). Two, we're happy to hear people's suggestions of what you would like to see/hear/eat/do during our wedding. The Big Day is all about us sharing our happiness with all of you, so naturally we'd like to know how you think we might best do this. Three, the only thing we're pretty sure we don't want is something heavily traditional. It is unlikely to be a ceremony in a church, followed by a reception in a hotel or a castle or anything. We want the focus of attention to be our friends and family getting together to have fun and get to know each other, so we'll be focusing our efforts on creating a happy, fun and relaxed environment in which that can take place.

We look forward to hearing any suggestions that you might have. Nothing is too outlandish! Let your imagination run wild.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice haircut. Laura, your expression in one of those photos looks like the face Andrew is making in all of the photos I have of him... some kind of crazy cosmic convergence that happens when two people get engaged? Who knows. Your wedding should feature camels and waterskiing, or possibly finger paints. Camping in Yurts and a costume ball with line dancing... No, honestly, just hanging out with you two and celebrating the big day would be the most fun, and it doesnt matter what else is planned (or unplanned).