Wednesday, October 25, 2006

New Flickr Photos

I realised today I actually had a few pictures I hadn't posted on Flickr yet and that thesis work hasn't completely eclipsed my photographic hobby these past couple of months after all. Since it only took five minutes or so, I've stuck them on the Flickr page for your perusal (for those of you still reading this). By the way, I haven't officially reopened the blog, I'm merely sticking one or two things on lately out of a combination of guilt and boredom. I will still email in a month or two when we're ready to start posting again properly. Thanks to those of you who have stuck with us!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Laura Relaxes

Laura suggested I post this picture. It's an attempt at using my new mobile phone's 'panoramic' setting, which involves taking three pictures which overlap. I think the phone smoothes out any minor incongruities automatically. It worked well for the first two shots, but the eagle eyed amongst you can probably pick out where I messed up the blend of shots two and three. Still, not a bad picture we thought... (Click on it to enlarge it slightly). It's from the weekend we spent with my cousin Ken & his lovely new lady friend Fiona only a fortnight ago. You can see their vague outlines in this other interesting picture...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

One Small Thing

When I said we wouldn't be posting for a while, I wasn't counting on something this amusing coming along...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thesis Blues

Sorry for the long hiatus from posting. Needless to say I'm entering a tough phase right now, the last couple of months of my thesis, combined with the beginning of the scary process of building a career, thinking about jobs, publication, conferences, networking, etc. etc. Ick.

Laura and I are both having a difficult time with other bits of our lives too. We have a long list of minor gripes that put together makes for one big boat load of stress. We're down to one computer (Laura's iBook is still not quite recovered), which is tough when we both have so much work to do. Certain housemates are making our lives pretty hellish. And well, we won't trouble you with a long list of moans. Suffice to say however that there will likely be a long break before we post on here again. Once we're in a mood to take pictures and update you on happier events, we'll send an email round, for those of you who don't use RSS to keep track of developments on the blog.

We hope you are all doing all right and will keep in touch/bear with us through this stressful time.